Beli Online Kain Katun Lokal dan Impor


Setelah terjun langsung di dunia craft, terutama bidang jahit-menjahit, saya jadi seneng banget beli kain-kain katun dgn motif dan warna yg eyecathing. Beli di toko kain dekat rumah sdh dijabanin, tapi tetep aja pingin cari yg baru, yg unyu :D. Beli langsung ke Tanah Abang emang oke, tapi jauh dri tempat saya tinggal. Sampai suatu saat saya dapet temen-temen crafter di Facebook (FB) yg ternyata jualan kain. Duh seneng bgt. Koleksi kainnya bagus2. Malah ga cuma katun lokal, tapi juga impor!

Ya, rupanya para crafter yg jualan kain katun ini jualannya via FB. Pantesan klo saya searching ga pernah nemu penjual kain katun. So, lewat blog ini saya mo list mereka, penjual katun online yg rekomended, krn saya udah nyoba beli di mereka semua. Ini list-nya:

DreamWeaver Craft
Menjual kain impor jepang dan amerika dgn sistem PO, baik katun, linen atau Vinyl Waterproof. Dan buat saya beli di sini pas dgn keinginan, krn harga kain impor kan ga murah, jd bisa pesan dgn ukuran half yard atau sekitar 55cm x 50cm. Lokasi: Jakarta.

Sofia Sadji 
Menjual kain impor jepang dan amerika, bisa sistem PO atau ready stock. Disini kain yg ready lumayan banyak, katun atau linen. Bahkan ada yg ready stock dijual per set. Misal 1 set terdiri dari 3 kain dgn motif yg sama, masing2 ukuran half yard. Lokasi: Jakarta.

Toko Kreasi Melody
Disini paling banyak koleksi kain katun lokal. Menjual ready stock atau PO. Koleksi kainnya di foto sangat bagus, jadi terlihat menarik dan jelas sekali detail dan warna motifnya. Memudahkan pengunjung untuk memilih. Ada juga PO kain impor jepang dgn motif lucu-lucu, minimal order 0.5m atau half yard.  Lokasi: Cileungsi, Jabar.

Mei Phing
Menjual ready stock dan PO kain katun lokal. Koleksinya banyak, dari mulai motif polkadot, gingham, flower dll yg dikelompokkan per album. Foto kainnya bagus dan jelas. Punya keunikan dgn membuat album My Buyer Creations, foto kain yg dibeli dipajang bersebelahan dgn hasil karya pembelinya. Karya saya ada di dalamnya :). Lokasi: Jakarta.

Lemon CraftProjects dan Dyah Saraswati (MakDee)
Menjual kain lokal dan impor ready stock. Motif kainnya lucu dan unik, kadang ga ada di olshop kain lainnya. Selain katun, ada juga linen jepang polos atau kanvas. Minimal order 0.5m. Lokasi: Jakarta dan Bogor.

Ok, untuk list selanjutnya ga bisa saya bahas satu persatu krn bakalan panjang bgt postingan ini hehe... So langsung aja ke nama FB mereka, lalu lihat sendiri koleksi kainnya ya.. Happy Shopping.

Katun Impor: Jojo Fabric, Mutiara Craft
Katun Lokal: Daddy'sGirl Fabric, Caramel's Crafty, Irmawati Sewcraft, Bain Batik
Katun Impor dan Lokal: Crafty ClanCreations, Tanty Yuri Rahadian

PO = Pre-Order. Sistem beli pesan dan bayar DP 50%. Setelah barang datang, maksimal 4 minggu untuk impor dan 1 minggu untuk lokal, baru dilunasi dan barang dikirim.

Preparing Exhibition Booth for Your Business

One of the marketing ways for all kind of business commonly done is by following certain exhibition. To attend certain exhibition for certain theme as your business owned you need to prepare many things for your display at the exhibition. It is imperative to be remembered that sometimes your show displays is enough to have a role on establishing certain impression on your business for consumers eyes.

Due to the importance and the function, you need to prepare carefully all things needed for trade show displays. Typically, when certain firm or company which want to attend specific exhibition, they need to set up the truss with certain type as required even double functions either for displaying or lighting simultaneously.

Moreover, the covers and skirts also must be prepared to make your table on the show eye on eyes and more than that, could make the visitors encourage to visit your stand. Several others needed to prepare are stand banner for your products, logo floor mats patter which in line with your banner and entire appearance as your products features. If your stand at outdoor, you need graphic tend and canopy as well. All things even the small must be prepared carefully for your exhibit booths to reach the best appearance that is needed to build good impression for your candidate of consumers. ***

Get a better Sales by Implementing Logo Floor Mats and Trade Show Displays

Having an expo or particular products launching for your company needs special preparation and specific details idea. One thing that you need to prepare is the display of the products. Any kind of products need to displayed to get the most attention from customers or people as the target of the market. You may also know that the potential buyers may give more attention on eye-catching and colorful displays or colorful trade show displays.

If you use a truss for example, your product will get maximum exposure and get the expecting feedback from the potential customers. Besides the great capability of the sales person who is trying hard to promote the products the accessories of the products display is also needed. Putting some logo floor mats can also help especially you are having the expo in the mall in the first floor. Your mats can be seen from the above floors which become indirect selling techniques.

Some customers may come and see the products directly, so you need exhibit booths which will be the place for your customer services to see the clients and describing or giving details info about the products.

Managing an Exhibition

There are lot of aspects you should know first when somehow your boss assigned you to manage and handle the upcoming exhibition event for your company. The first thing that is supposed to be your main concern is finding out where the exhibition is going to hold whether it is in outdoor concept or indoor concept. This important is totally required to help you deciding or choosing which exhibition booths that you are going to use because surely the exhibition booths for indoor usage are different with exhibition booths that are designed for outdoor usage.

After you have found the best trade show booths you are going use for the exhibition the next thing is taking your concern to details. You must be surprise about how much details that you should know such as the colour of table skirts that should match with the colour of the logo and don’t miss to print the logo in the floor mat or where you should go to place the banner stands so your customers could find your stands easily.

For the need of safety, you have to make sure that the pipe and drape used for the exhibition booths are high quality enough and fulfil the safety standard.

Pickjack: Sistem Baru yang Lebih Teratur

Satu hal penting untuk memilih bisnis online mana yang ingin diseriusi adalah masalah pembayaran. Sebesar apapun penghasilan kita pada sebuah bisnis online yang diikuti, tapi kalau rekues pembayarannya mesti nunggu satu bulan atau malah ga dibayar, itu sama saja dengan buang waktu, tenaga, dan modal (yg pakai modal). adalah salah satu bisnis online yang telah membuktikan 'instant payment', yaitu membayar penghasilan membernya dalam kurun waktu yang singkat. Dengan limit hanya $0.05, terbukti membayar. Tanpa harus rekues lagi.

Sudah lama saya tidak login ke Pickjack, tapi laporan penghasilan selalu saya terima setiap harinya. Dan setelah saya mendapatkan pembayaran yang kedua, meski dgn balance yg kecil, akhirnya saya ingin mulai lagi aktif di Tidak seperti yang justru saya seriusi, malah mengecewakan.

Sistem Baru
Sebelumnya, kita bisa buat soal setelah menjawab satu soal yang relevan. Tapi sekarang, soal bisa kita buat setelah kita menjawab 20 soal dengan benar. Bisa dengan masuk ke halaman depan terus jawab soal satu persatu dari list yang ada, atau bisa juga dengan cara lebih praktis yaitu klik menu 'Take 10', yaitu menjawab 10 soal sekaligus. Setelah menjawab dan klik 'submit', benar-salah dari masing2 soal akan terlihat.

Untuk mengklik 'Take 10' atau 'Post a question', harus login dan masuk ke menu 'My Pickjack'

Saya pikir dengan sistem baru ini, jadi lebih bagus, rapih dan terarah. Member tidak hanya bikin soal melulu, tapi juga harus menjawab soal dgn jumlah yg cukup. So antar member bisa saling membantu untuk mendapat penghasilan, tapi tidak ada unsur kerja sama searah. Kita menjawab soal secara random dan tidak mengenal masing-masing member pembuat soal. Bisa milih soal yg mudah agar rating tinggi, atau soal yg agak sulit untuk mencoba kemampuan. Toh ada mas 'google' untuk dimintai bantuan jawabannya :D.

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